Clients come to us for our expertise in communications and learning when conventional approaches aren’t working, when a critical change is about to occur, or when they need unbiased assessment of internal resources or potential new technologies.

Dr. Gayeski is the author of 13 books and scores of articles in academic and professional journals. Some of her publications include:
- Gayeski, D. (2023). Using entertainment TV techniques to deliver effective online learning. Studies on Social and Education Sciences 2022. Monument, Colorado: International Society for Technology, Education and Science.
- Gayeski, D. (2022). From sage on the stage to host with the most. In Strawser, M. (ed). Higher Education Implications for Teaching and Learning during COVID-19. Lexington Books.
- Dashew, B., Gayeski, D. (2022). Instructional Design and Adult Learning Theory. In Belzer, A, and Dashew, B. Understanding the Adult Learner. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
- Gayeski, D. (2021). “Investments in External Communication” in P. Harris et al. (eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs. Palgrave. 1-13.
- Gayeski, D. (2021). Investor Relations. In Gillis, T. (ed.) The IABC Guide for Practical Business Communication: A Global Standard Primer. International Association of Business Communicators.
- Gayeski, D. (2016) Managing the Communication Function. San Francisco: International Association of Business Communicators. (Previous editions in 2007 and 2000).
- Gayeski, D. (2005). Managing Learning and Communication as Business Assets. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-
- Hall.
- Gayeski, D. (2002). Learning Unplugged: Using Mobile Technologies for Training and Performance Improvement. New York: AMACOM.

The Wall Street Journal featured Dr. Gayeski’s work with the CEO of the Raymond Corporation, a leading manufacturer of forklift trucks. The company had been plagued by what they thought were problems with the customer training they were providing. The CEO wanted the helpline to stop ringing with customers’ problems repairing the vehicles, but Dr. Gayeski re-framed the problem and convinced them that they needed more collaboration with customers, not less!
This led to the development of a “learning organization” approach to the way they developed and rolled out products.
read the article here
We’ve been engaged in over 300 projects for clients worldwide since 1980. Here are a few examples:
- Faculty development workshop on incorporating AI into business school curricula for LUISS University, Rome, Italy
- Led the strategic planning process including platforms for online stakeholder engagement and content analysis for WCNY (Syracuse Public Broadcasting) and the State Theatre of Ithaca (a nonprofit historic theatre)
- Provided custom workshops and instructional design “playbooks” for General Electric and the US Navy
- Conducted curriculum and degree program reviews for Western Governors University, LeMoyne College, Babson College, and St. John Fischer
- Executive briefings on Gen-Z in the workplace for Abbott Pharmaceuticals and Borg-Warner Automotive
- Worked with C-Suite executives at Guthrie Healthcare, Cracker Barrel Old Country Store and Bangag Inc. to develop systems and practices for organizational learning and employee engagement, such as suggestion systems, online learning
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